Sometimes goals, projects, and plans are so big and lofty that it’s hard to feel like we’re moving the needle on anything. Get your mind unstuck and refreshed with these 30 powerful things you can start and finish all in a few minutes.
- Create a morning ritual, schedule it in your phone.
- Create an evening ritual, schedule it in your phone.
Our Tips: Learn how to create rituals that stick.
- Write out a detailed exercise plan and post it on your wall.
- Send your workout plan to a spouse or friend and ask them to keep you accountable.
- Sign up for a class that’s out of your comfort zone. Think cooking, fishing, painting or yoga!
- Pick up a magazine about an industry or hobby you aren’t familiar with.
- Write out the books you want to read this year and set reminders in your calendar.
- Set a weekly, recurring time block in your calendar for learning.
- Choose one new form of technology to try for a month to make your life easier.
Our List: 16 Apps for Increasing Productivity
- Send a thank you email.
- Identify 3 people you want to meet this year.
- Put the birthdays of everyone on your team in your calendar.
- Pre-block anticipated vacation time this year.
- Ask your leader or a business coach what they consider to be your strengths.
- Stop searching for a mentor.
Nope, not a typo. Here’s why.
- Ask someone what they’re learning.
- Buy yourself a fresh notebook and a pack of your favorite pens (it’s the little things!).
- Create a Pinterest board of clothing inspiration to elevate your professional wardrobe.
- Unfollow 10 Instagram accounts that bring you negativity.
- Find 10 new Instagram accounts that bring you positivity.
No shame in our game. We’d love you to follow us.
- Write down your 5 favorite brands and spend 5 minutes on each of their websites.
- Jot down notes in your fresh notebook (see #17) or on your phone as to why their brand speaks to you / how their messaging makes you feel. How can your brand emulate that?
- Create a “to read later” folder in your bookmarks. Save any articles you come across for a Saturday morning reading session.
- Identify your personal brand.
Lucky you, we have a free personal brand assessment.
- Pick a TV show you’re going to stop watching. Reallocate that time to reading the books from #7.
- Download a devotional or a meditation app on your phone.
- Make lunch plans with someone you’ve been meaning to connect with.
- Get your inbox to 0.
- Write down your 3 biggest wins of the week.
- Write down your 3 biggest wins of next week.
Make it happen, launchers!
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