Welcome back to The Launch Youniversity Podcast! Today’s episode is part two of our conversation with Eryn Eddy of So Worth Loving. In part one of this conversation, Eryn talked about turning passion into business and turning business into community (listen now!). Today, she’s diving deep in how to use social media to get you there.
Eryn gives incredible insight on how to refer to your customers, how to have an impactful Instagram feed, and she even gives Jeff and Kevin few pointers on Snapchat. This is episode is a can’t miss for any launchers who are building their brand and online community!
Links + Resources:
Three Takeaways:
1. Don’t use social media as a megaphone. Use it as a way to engage with your audience. Talk with them, not at them.
2. Consistency is key. Make sure your messaging is the same and consistently delivered across all of your points of contact with your community: social media, photography, email, mailings, etc.
3. Explore social media and find the other accounts that inspire you. When you find a photo on Instagram or quote on Facebook that you like, ask yourself: why? Once you know what inspires you on social media, you can start emulating it with your brand.
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