Kevin is our resident creative-visionary here at Launch Youniversity. In addition to being part of the Launch Youniveristy team, he’s a husband, new father, digital strategist and founding CEO of a marketing agency.
Kevin has had the opportunity to work with some of the most well-known personalities on the planet. As you might suspect, Tony Robbins, Oprah Winfrey and Dave Ramsey are masters at caring for their customers and cultivating a valuable customer experience. Kevin has had a front-row seat to it all and he’s joining us today to share his lessons learned.
Welcome to episode 29 of the Launch Youniversity Podcast.
Links + Resources:
Kevin’s Marketing Agency Junction 32
Kevin on Twitter
Tony Robbins’ Website
Oprah Winfrey’s Website
Dave Ramsey’s Website
Three Takeaways:
1. Add value first, sell second.
Tony Robbins’ philosophy is that he wants to add value to each persons’ life as fast as he can. This isn’t something limited to purchasing customers. Tony wants to add value to any person that comes in contact with his brand. This might be a free book chapter download from his website, an inspirational Instagram image or a blog post. If you’re first adding value to people’s lives, eventually selling a product will be a whole lot easier.
2. Know your customer’s pain points.
Even though Dave Ramsey is the CEO of a 500+ person company, he also has a radio show where he spends hours each day just talking to his customers about the pain points they’re facing. Talking to customers each day gives Dave an instinctual knowledge about what his people need (and what they don’t need). It’s not uncommon for CEOs to be out-of-touch with their customers, so they make decisions without any empathy for their customers. Empathy is the secret ingredient that Dave Ramsey and his team have mastered.
3. Turn your casual customers into raving fans.
Something that Tony, Dave and Oprah have all done successfully is turn their customers into their biggest fans. This happens when you continually get to know your customer and you continually serve their needs. This doesn’t happen when you think “okay, they bought my product.. so I’m finished with them.” Raving fans will evangelize your products or services to their friends, volunteer at your events and be your social media cheerleaders. But raving fans don’t happen naturally… they have to be nurtured.
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