Joel Iverson is one of the three founders of Monday Night Brewing, a top craft beer brewery in the Atlanta area. As the official Taste-Testing Ninja of Monday Night Brewing, Joel is joining Launch Youniversity on the podcast today to talk about how beer deepened relationships, relationships built a brewery and how the brewery is launching and thriving with purpose.
Welcome to episode 38 of the Launch Youniversity Podcast.
Links + Resources:
The 10% Entrepreneur by Patrick J. McGinnis
Three Takeaways:
1. What’s your purpose?
There are a variety of craft beer places in Atlanta, but what makes Monday Night Brewing special is it’s purpose: To deepen human relationships over some of the best beer in the country. Monday Night Brewing was built from relationships, so their goal is help facilitate and invest in relationships. Similar to a sticky statement, it’s powerful to be able to summarize your purpose in a single sentence. It’s your job to tell the marketplace what you want to be known for, and give them the words to communicate it.
2. It Takes Time.
Not every person can quit their job and launch headfirst into entrepreneurship. Joel and his partners had families and jobs and responsibilities to think about. So they started small and gradually grew. In time, through consistent efforts and producing a quality product, they were able to go full time and see their business thrive.
3. Do you need to hold on or let it go?
Joel credits learning how to discern this question to time. As the entrepreneur of your business or mastermind behind a project, it’s so instinctual to want to take the reins on any and every issue that needs to be fixed. But creating a culture of asking questions, learning, and problem-solving means that you need to not be the person to swoop in, but help your team figure things out along the way.
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