Do you have an idea inside of you that you think would really work, but you need the push to make it a reality? Tim Elmore, President of Growing Leaders, was the same. He had an idea for a nonprofit that would equip young adults with leadership skills. Today, over a decade after launching, Tim is joining Jeff on the podcast. They discuss the what it look to launch, what working with young leaders has taught him, and how Growing Leaders intentionally tries to march off the map into new territory.
Welcome to Episode 43 of the Launch Youniversity Podcast.
Marching Off the Map: Inspire Students to Navigate a Brand New World by Tim Elmore
StoryBrand Online by Donald Miller
Sell Your Book Like Wildfire: The Writer’s Guide to Marketing and Publicity by Rob Eager
5by5 — A Change Agency Shannon Litton
Who are your guard rails?
Tim had the idea for Growing Leaders stirring inside of him for years, but it wasn’t until his friends gave him the push he needed to start. Andy Stanley calls these people guardrail friends. Do you have people in your life who are going to encourage you, help push you out of your comfort zone, and hold you accountable? Because you need them.
In this day and age, you need to be both timely and timeless.
The world is changing so rapidly, that leaders and launchers need to master being both timely and timeless. Timely means that you understand what’s happening in culture today and are fully in-tune with what’s going on. Timeless means you can reach back into the past and look for the virtues and values you don’t want to lose.
Go find the answer you’re looking for.
When you’re getting ready to launch a new business or idea, it can feel overwhelming. How many times have you thought, “I would love to do XYZ, but it seems complicated and I don’t know how”? Those conversations with ourselves are usually where our ideas start to die and never get launched. But the truth is, you can find the answers to almost anything you need. When Jeff asked Tim what helps him keep Growing Leaders fresh, he listed off all of his favorite resources (linked above) that have helped him learn how to maintain a business. You don’t need to know everything before you launch, but harness the art of being a learner. If something seems overwhelming, make it a game to go find the right resource to help.
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