You and your team are accomplishing big things. Big, difficult things. And with all the testing, tweaking and launching, it’s easy to lose sight of something just as important: celebrating. As Shane and David share in today’s episode, a pause to celebrate creates energy and momentum. It can even be the fuel to rocket power through the next launch.
Welcome to Episode 66 of The Launch Youniversity Podcast.
Links + Resources:
Get Your Ideas Off The Ground: The Launch Loop ebook
Three Takeaways:
1. Celebrating reminds us of the why.
Moving straight from one big project or launch to the next one can be draining for your team. Taking the time to stop, thank and acknowledge your team will help remind everyone of the vision and their place in the vision.
2. Big and planned, or small and spontaneous.
Celebrating well doesn’t mean you have to throw a Christmas-party type of evening everytime you complete a project. Small and spontaneous works well too, like bringing in donuts or ice cream for the team. It really isn’t about what you do—it’s about making your team feel seen, appreciated and celebrated.
3. Delegate it.
If you’re not inherently inclined to plan celebrations, choose someone on your team who loves to help people celebrate. Give them full permission to give you a nudge when they think a celebration might be in order, and let them put it on the calendar and organize the details.
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