Personal brand, leadership climate, reputation… whichever term you like to use, they mean this: People have a perception about who you are and what you do. It might be a great one or a poor one. But it exists. And since it exists—and is incredibly important when launching a new business, idea or project—it’s a good idea for you to know what yours is and how to take it to the next level.
On today’s episode, David, Jeff and Kevin talk about the idea of a personal brand, why it’s important and practical steps you can take to continue to improve yours. We hope this episode helps you the next time you pitch, present and launch. When you’re done, download our free Personal Brand Assessment. You’ll get immediate access when you join the Elevator Pitch waitlist.
Welcome to Episode 67 of The Launch Youniversity Podcast.
Links + Resources:
Death by Meeting by Pat Lencioni
The Advantage by Pat Lencioni
The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team by Pat Lencioni
Three Takeaways:
1. Your personal brand is both your stamp and shadow. It’s not just how you present yourself and what you try to be (your stamp). But it’s also what people say and think about you when you leave (your shadow). Your personal brand is a combination of both. Tap into your emotional intelligence and think “what’s it like to be on the other side of me?” You may realize that you dress well and present well and are kind… but you’re always 15 minutes late, and people probably get tired of always waiting for you. You know your stamp, find your shadow.
2. It doesn’t cost money to improve your brand. When we hear personal brands, our minds immediately go to big name influencers who have the resources for an expensive website, speaking coach and wardrobe. That’s not what you need to have a good personal brand. Show up to meetings early, commit to keeping a positive attitude in conflict, remember and acknowledge your team’s birthdays and milestones, try to listen to others more. Those small, free steps will take you far.
3. Be who you are, all the time. What we mean is, don’t be a certain way in front of certain people, and a different way in front of others. We’ve all known the boss who is delightful in meetings with key people in the company, but brings a chilly and hostile environment to their direct reports. Decide who you want to be, and be that person to everyone.
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