“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” – Simon Sinek
Have you ever looked at a logo and instantly connected it to a story? Maybe Pixar’s animated desk lamp logo can instantly put you in a good mood because you know you’re about to see a great film. Maybe your TOMS shoes make you feel good knowing that your purchase also provided a pair of shoes for someone in need. Great brands do more than just sell products, they connect you to a story. So what story are you telling? On today’s episode, Derek & Kari Beth Chitwood, founders of Peach State Pride, talk with Kevin about telling their story through clothing.
Links + Resources:
The E-Myth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber
Three Takeaways:
1. Sales tactics are meaningless without a story.
Peach State Pride’s success didn’t happen because they managed to come up with some great marketing copy. It happened because they focused on telling their story. They talked about Derek’s memories of growing up on his grandfather’s peach farm, and all the things that native Georgians can relate to. When Derek told his story, the brand sold itself.
2. Hire for your weaknesses.
Derek is the creative dreamer and creative. Kari is the planner and strategist. Their complementing skills have allowed them to be a great team who can lean into their strengths and trust the other person with their weaknesses.
3. Hire slow, fire fast.
New businesses can sometimes make the mistake of hiring quickly and without firm company values in place. Derek and Kari’s advice is to hire as slow as you can. Take time to fully get to know a candidate before you bring them on the team. And if they’re not a good fit… fire fast.
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