You’ve worked diligently in your role at your workplace and you’ve been acknowledged for your hard work with a promotion within the company. Congratulations!
Now, the hard work begins and not in the way you might think. The next 90 days will be critical for you, and at this point, strategy and implementing new goals comes second to this important, and often missed step — ending your current job well and building relational equity with your new team.
Today, we’re joined with Launch Youniversity mentors, Jeff Henderson, Shane Benson, and Kevin Jennings to discuss how to onboard well in your new role.
Welcome to episode 86 of the Launch Youniversity Podcast.
Links + Resources:
Launch Youniversity Episode 056: Become a Better Listener
Three Ways to Get a Promotion This Year
Get Your Ship Together: How Great Leaders Inspire Ownership from the Keel by D. Michael Abrashoff
Elevator Pitch
Three Takeaways:
1. End well so you can begin well. Finish projects strong so you won’t carry any baggage or misunderstandings with you into your next role. Always celebrate the great job that’s been done before you arrived and acknowledge the hard work of your predecessors.
2. Be kind to people on your way up the ladder because you may see them on your way down. End your current role on good terms — burning bridges, especially in your own organization — will likely be detrimental to you. You never know who you’ll need to work with or need a favor from in your new role.
3. Use the first 90 days to make relational deposits. Make sure to leave your insecurities at the door and simply make yourself available to have conversations with your new team. Spend more time listening to others than talking at this time.
Thank you for listening to the Launch Youniversity Podcast! If you have a question that you want to be answered on the podcast… ask us here!
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