In the world of charities, nonprofit organizations, and startups, there are plenty of success stories of someone’s “crazy” idea reaching meteoric success. But some rise to the top and find success according to the world’s standard is quite meaningless. This is the story of Scott Harrison, the founder and CEO of charity: water, a nonprofit organization that brings clean drinking water to developing countries.
Once a successful nightclub promoter, Scott found success driven by financial standards left him feeling unfulfilled, so he set out on a personal mission to find purpose. In today’s episode, he joins hosts, Jeff Henderson and Kevin Jennings, to talk about his transformational experience and how solid, communicated values drive any mission.
Welcome to episode 96 of the Launch Youniversity Podcast.
Links + Resources:
charity: water spring subscription
Three Takeaways:
1. Have a vision for your culture.
Be really clear on the culture you want to create. Then, carefully craft a team of people you not only want to work with, but whom you trust. These people will be on the front lines of your mission and you want to make sure they actually want to be there.
2. Be transparent about your values.
First, document your values immediately. Then, make sure you clearly communicate those values to your employees and potential new hires — this will make all the difference in your team’s investment in your mission.
3. Replicate what you admire.
Scott Harrison shared in today’s podcast how he looked to subscription-based business models such as Netflix, HBO, and Dropbox to model charity:water’s business model after. If you’re looking to make some changes to your business, you don’t always have to look to your competitor for ideas — fresh perspectives can be found anywhere you look.
Thank you for listening to the Launch Youniversity Podcast! If you have a question that you want to be answered on the podcast… ask us here!
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