Ask any entrepreneur what their biggest concern is in their business and they’ll likely say keeping their customers happy and their growth increasing steadily. However, as launchers, we sometimes fail to remember that our ability to keep the money we earn can make or break the business and lifestyle we want to have.
Today, we talk to certified tax coach, Craig Cody, about how to understand business taxes better, ways we’re costing ourselves extra tax dollars, and the better habits we can adopt to put us in a great spot once tax season arrives. Whether you’re working on your dream full time or it’s still a side hustle, if you’re making money and paying taxes, this is a podcast you don’t want to miss.
Welcome to episode 120 of the Launch Youniversity Podcast.
Links + Resources:
10 Most Expensive Tax Mistakes That Cost Business Owners Thousands
Three Takeaways:
- Delegation is key. There are some things in your business that you just don’t want to do. Instead of doing the things that suck your energy, give them to someone else to do and focus on the things you do well.
- Check your ego at the door. In today’s podcast, Craig talks about what the transition from law enforcement to working in taxes was like, especially working as a leader in one capacity and entry level in the other. Craig says it’s important for you to learn everything you can in every situation while keeping the end goal in mind the whole time.
- Have a plan and track everything. One of the biggest mistakes business owners make is failing to have a plan for their money. Don’t make this mistake. Keep track of all your expenses and find someone to help you manage your money and taxes well.
Thank you for listening to the Launch Youniversity Podcast! If you have a question that you want to be answered on the podcast… ask us here!
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