Leadership doesn’t come without its share of missteps, that’s for sure. But approached the correct way, those mistakes you make — whether as a business owner or someone who works inside an organization — can lead to opportunities for growth. Today, mentors Jeff Henderson, Shane Benson, and David Farmer share what they’ve learned about leadership through years of setbacks, triumphs, and having the right people around them who offered candid feedback. In this episode, you’ll learn five ways to overcome the common roadblocks that might be a barrier to successful leadership.
Welcome to episode 92 of the Launch Youniversity Podcast.
Links + Resources:
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck
Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup
Five Takeaways:
1. Embrace self awareness. It’s impossible to keep up a constantly fast pace. If you try, you’re well on your way to burnout. Take some time to pause and reflect about where you are and where you’re headed. Whether you journal or take personal assessments, your growth depends on your ability to rest and reflect.
2. Seek feedback immediately. A lack of feedback on your performance is a breeding ground for blind spots in your leadership. Sure, some feedback will feel critical and tough to hear, but the only way you can improve your work and relationships is when you stop and listen to what others have to say about them.
3. Acknowledge your struggles. No one is perfect and no rational person expects you to be. Find some people you can be honest with about the challenges you’re experiencing. If you don’t acknowledge your struggles, your self awareness will most definitely take a hit.
4. Invite accountability. It’s one thing to ask for advice, but it’s a totally different thing when you trust the advice you’ve been given and act on it appropriately. Surround yourself with people who will tell you the truth and who want to see you succeed no matter how tough the feedback.
5. Don’t hide behind your brand. Transparency builds trust. When you show people who you really are and what values you stand by, your product or business will reap the benefits.
Thank you for listening to the Launch Youniversity Podcast! If you have a question that you want to be answered on the podcast… ask us here!
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