It’s been said that the two greatest fears in life are death and public speaking. This is why so many of us struggle with our nerves before getting up to speak.
I completely understand. In today’s post, I want to give you three strategies to help you with your nerves.
1. Nerves vs. Adrenaline
There’s a difference between these two, and it’s important to know the difference. Many times we are simply feeling the adrenaline kick in before we speak. This is actually a really good thing. If you don’t have any “butterflies” I’m not sure you’re taking this opportunity seriously enough.
2. Practice
The problem for many communicators is that the first time they’ve ever said their presentation out loud is in front of their audience. Never, ever, let this happen. A team would never go into a big game without practicing. Neither should you. In Elevator Pitch, we teach you how to practice effectively.
3. You’re not the hero
Before you go out to speak, simply say these words to yourself, “Don’t impress the audience. Help the audience.” You are there to serve them with what you are about to do. Place the focus on them, not you.
What are some other ways you have used to help you deal with your nerves before speaking? Let us know below. And also, check out myelevatorpitch.net for more help.
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